Funding for a Digital Learning Project - Help needed.

We are part of a bid in the Aviva Community Fund!  Our bid is for students to lead a digital learning project with senior citizens in our community.  This would be a significant funded project providing excellent opportunities to develop our students and support our community.

Voting is now open.  Our bid is called ‘Student Leaders – Silver Surfers’.

 It's actually quite a fairly straight-forward process, but there are a few steps so here's a guide:

 2. Click on the button to 'Register and log in now to get your 10 votes'

 3. Click on the 'Register now' button

 4. Fill out your details:

First name

Last name

Email address

Confirm email address

Create a Password

Confirm your password

Select 'none of the above'

Type in the letters you can see to prove you're a human! 

Tick that you have read and accept the Terms and Conditions

Click 'Register'


5. You will now be sent an email to the address you provided asking you to activate your account. Click on the button to 'validate your registration and activate your account'.

6. You will now have activated your account. All you need to do now is enter your email address and password and click 'log in'.

7. Select the number of votes you want to cast for 'Student Leaders - Silver Surfers' (you can cast up to 10 votes) and click 'submit votes'.


Thank you, happy voting and please spread the word!


Our Term 5 newsletter is now available via the web site. Our Press Team is working tirelessly to scout out news and to write up articles and I am pleased to say the majority of this newsletter is put together by them. You will see competition between the Houses remains intense and there is very little in it – our Heads of House are pushing students to gain points wherever they can and are encouraging good attendance awards. Link: -


We are continuing to encourage our students to take on roles and responsibilities through school events. This term has continued the practice of two of our younger students addressing our weekly staff meetings to introduce the Literacy theme for the week. This is no mean feat, given they are in front of their teachers! Nevertheless, they do it with charm, grace and humour. We also thank the students who played an invaluable role by sitting on the Student Interview Panels for our recent teacher recruitments. As always, our thanks to all those students who take part in school events throughout the year


Congratulations to the Year 10 Super 6s athletics teams. The boys were narrowly beaten into second place, the girls’ team won the event and progress to the Sainsbury’s Level 3 School Games at Bath University on 8th July. A great team effort to achieve excellence, well done! The PE Department are very proud of them.


After consultation with students, parents and staff and with the final say with the Student Council, I am pleased to confirm Marlwood School will have a new school uniform from September 2015. Full details and our School Uniform Brochure can be downloaded from the web site.


The School currently has two vacancies for Community Governors. We are very keen for these posts to be filled by members of our local business community. If anyone would like to express an interest, and to find out more about the role, please contact


Matthew Robertson (Year 7) was selected to tour with the South Gloucestershire Development Centre football team and has written up his experiences in Belgium and Holland for our newsletter at the end of this term.


Congratulations also to Joe Williams (Year 7) on being selected for the Bristol Rugby U13 Development Programme.


Congratulations to Charlotte Fox (Year 12) who has been selected for the South West Regional Hockey Squad.


Marlwood students have been selected to attend trials to represent South Gloucestershire Schools at the Avon Championships. We wish them all luck: Ellie Leather (Year 11), Calvin Preston (Year 10), Joe Leather (Year 9), Greg Madge (Year 9) and Sam Taylor (Year 7)


We wish them all success!


This was a fantastic process for the students to take part in and well done to all the students who stepped up to make a difference: Violet Feltham (the Progress Party), Louis Hoare (the Tomorrow Party), Tilly Humphries and Hannah Pickard (the Transform Party) and a special well done to our winner Katie Harper (the Vision Party). The government have now formed a coalition and will be putting their efforts into developing Katie's ideas and making the changes she championed.


The PED Department are running Athletics Club (Tuesday), Rounders (Wednesday) and Cricket (Thursday). All abilities welcome


I am delighted to report the school raised £242 for the Nepal Appeal through the cake sale from last Friday. Our thanks to all those who organised and supported the appeal.


Today is our Year 11 Leavers’ Day and the staff will be joining them in the Quad Dining Room at lunchtime and at the end of the day for the traditional shirt signing. We continue to encourage our students to focus on their exams and their revision, and to work for the best results they can. The link to our revision site is below



The school elections are over and our School Captains have been elected for next year. They are: Miss Devini de Alwis, Miss Ella Cottle, Mr Thom Harris-Lee and Mr Dominic Webb. The Senior Team and I look forward to working closely with them next year.


Turn out for the election was high and we had an unexpected volume of voters which was very pleasing. There will be an announcement on the winner and their proposals next week!


Congratulations to the Year 11 Football team for coming from 4-1 down to win 5-4 in the Bristol and South Glos Football Trophy Final 2015 vs Downend School. 3rd time lucky and well deserved! If Steven Spielberg saw that thrilling match he would be making a movie about it!


As part of the school’s association with the Save the Children Charity, we are running a cake sale in school today. Our thanks once again to Ian Curtis of the Crusty Loaf in Olveston for providing the cakes and we look forward to raising funds for this very worthwhile cause.


We continue to be grateful to all those parents who have joined us in the last two Parents’ Forums. A summary of the last meeting is now available on the web site; a link below for your convenience.


Our students are working really hard, with the main exams not far away and indeed some have already started. There is lots of support for our students in school to help them achieve their very best. There is also support via the Revision Blog – link below.



Our Year 12 students are presenting the Oscar Wilde play, ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ , on Tuesday 5th May in the Drama Hall from 6.30pm. Tickets are £3 each and everyone is welcome. Do come along and support the hard work of our students and we look forward to seeing you on the evening.


Our very talented Sixth Form band will be performing on Saturday 2nd May at The Dolpin Pub, Oldland Common. They are supporting the professional covers band Freefall, including our drum peri Jon Green.
The gig starts at 8.30pm, so if you would like an evening out and fancy hearing some of our Sixth Form students perform covers of current music, then please come along! 


It’s that time of year again when students are transferring work in and out of school on memory sticks.  Please remind your child to make backups because if the memory stick breaks it is very unlikely our IT Department will be able to retrieve any of the work on it.