As part of the Readiness to Learn programme we are looking to enhance our Praise system. The School Council will be sending out a questionnaire to all students next week to look at ways which our students would like to receive praise. This might be through a series of graded certificates, using Praise points as ‘currency’ to purchase items from a stationery shop or events such as a celebratory tea with the Head…

Meanwhile we continue to monitor Praise and are delighted that our categories P1, P2, P3 are P4 well represented by all groups of students. An example of this is that our Special Needs students, who represent 13% of the school population, received 22% of the share of P3 awards. P3 is particularly valued because it represents excellence in learning – either a consistent effort over time or a piece of work which has equalled or surpassed a target grade.

On average staff are awarding over 800 Praise points per week and a letter to appear on the school website shortly will outline the way these are shared with students and yourselves. This week Mr Reed has written personally to a number of students to reflect on Caught Being Kind in Term 5 and excellence in lessons over the past week.

All Praise points will be totalled and fed into the House Championship score at the end of term.