Friends of Marlwood will be holding a quiz night to raise money for items for the school on Friday 11th May 2018.

Please follow the link for more information: -


On Thursday 12th April I held a whole school assembly so I was able to speak to students on the subject of Child Sexual Exploitation.  Students will also be shown the presentation I used in their tutor groups and it will also be added to their PSHE Programme.

To find out more about CSE please visit: -

Please follow the link for the assembly powerpoint presentation: - 


Please follow the link below for the Term 5 newsletter:- 

Term 5 Newletter


We were delighted to welcome representatives of the local Rotary Club on Friday 13th April, who came into school to present prizes to some of our students.

Well done to Laura Evans, Sam Kitson and Liam Sealey who all won prizes in the recent competition.

Friends of Marlwood are currently working hard for the school.  If you can help please get in touch with them or join them for one of their meetings.  The next meeting is on Monday 14th May at 7 pm in the Library.

Please follow the link for the minutes of their last meeting


Here are the results so far. Year 11 have one last match to play.
Chipping Sodbury
Brimsham Green
Points total
Drew 4-4
Won 3-0
Lost 1-0
Won 3-2
Drew 2-2
Won 3-0
Lost 4-0
Won 6-2
Lost 1-0
Won 1-0
Lost 3-1
Lost 7-1
Lost 3-2
Won 5-2
Won 3-1
6 (so far)

It is not confirmed yet but Year 7, 8 and 11 have a good chance of progressing to the next round.

Fantastic results from the Marlwood football teams

Well done to all involved

A big thank you to a working party from Friends of Marlwood who gave up their Saturday morning to tidy up the grounds of the school with gardening and painting.

A few hours and many hands has made a huge difference to the presentation of the school. 

Thank You


Please follow the link to view extra-curricular activities running for terms 3 and 4:-


Please follow the links below for my end of term newsletter and a copy of the letter from Ofsted following their monitoring visit this term.


As you are well aware Year 11 students are working hard in preparation towards their next set of Pre-Public Examinations in March.  As we have been around lessons, students are engaged in their learning and focused on what they need to improve in order to be successful as possible in the summer exams.

I would like to ask you to help motivate the students further by taking part in a venture inspired by British Olympians.  In 2016, parents of British Olympians wrote to their children to give them an extra boost prior to taking part in the 2016 Olympics.  The idea was to inspire, motivate and celebrate the child just before they undertook the most monumental event in their life.  Please could I ask you to write a ‘Pride Letter’ to your child to give them that extra support that we all need at challenging points in our lives? The letters will be given to the students in school in the week before the start of their first GCSE exams. Examples of Olympian Pride Letters can be found at

Please could I have your ‘Pride Letter’ in a clearly marked envelope addressed to your child to be handed into reception, or via email to FAO Mr Emery (with your child’s name in the subject line), by Friday 27th April.

The PPE2 March timetable as well as a copy of the Y11 parents support evening presentation can be found on the exams section of the schools website. The provisional GCSE timetable can also be found here. 


Please note that Year 9 and 10 have pre-public examinations in March and should now be revising for them.  Student timetables for the exams can be found via the links below: - 


Please note that Year 11 have pre-public examinations in March and should now be revising for them.  Student timetables for the exams can be found via the links below: - 


Please follow the link below for a letter regarding attendance which has been email home today.

Attendance Letter

On Wednesday 24th and Thursday 25th of January 2018, Marlwood School will host a visit from Ofsted HMI.  This is the first of the monitoring visits that are part of the support given to a school in Special Measures.

It will be an opportunity for the school to demonstrate how it has and is tracking the areas for improvement identified in last year’s inspection.

If you are a registered parent/carer of a student at Marlwood School you can complete the Parent View Survey at

Provisional A Level Summer 2018 examination time tables have been uploaded to the website for your information.

To view the time tables please use the link below


Provisional GCSE Summer 2018 examination time tables have been uploaded to the website for your information.

To view the time tables please use the link below:-


A letter has been added to the school website from Label1 updating parents on their work within CSET Secondary School.

To read the letter please follow the link below: -


Thank you to parents and carers who attended the Year 11 Parents’ Evening on Monday.  If you were unable to attend you can access the Powerpoint presentation delivered by Assistant Headteacher, Mr Emery below: -


We were overwhelmed by all of your generous donations for our Winter Warmer House Challenge. A representative from the Julian Trust Night Shelter came to receive our gifts just before Christmas and filled her car to the max and had to return later with a van!

She told us about her experiences there and why she volunteers and how daily many are turned away through lack of beds. The students asked mature and thought provoking question and made us very proud. They also wrote anonymous words to comfort to pop into pockets and gloves.

Our special thanks go to families for supporting students in this challenge and to the 5 overall winners from Houses for bringing in the most bags of winter warmers, several who had collected in from their extended families and villages!

Thank you and well done!


We have been fortunate in the recent batch of bad weather that we did not need to close the school.

You will know that many school nationally did decide to close and I thought it might be useful to explain the factors schools consider when making what can be a very difficult decision.

  • Can staff safely travel to the school site?  Many staff travel a significant distance to get to work.  If they are unable to travel safely then they often have to make the difficult decision themselves not to travel to work.  This reduces the ability of the school to supervise students safely.
  • Staff child care arrangements:  Many staff have young children of their own and may be in a position where their child care provider or children’s primary school is closed
  • Site Safety:  This can be the most challenging factor.  Can the school site be made safe for students and staff?  Slippery pathways are a real challenge.  Students will also want to take advantage of snowy conditions and have snowball fights, whilst the grit previously laid can result in injury.
  • Student transport to and from school:  Many of our students catch buses and public transport.  These companies themselves have to make decisions on whether they can operate a full service.  Parents will also have to decide if it is safe to transport their children to school – this can be especially difficult when police advise only to make essential journeys.
  • Students walking in can also be dangerous. 

Please be assured that in deciding to close the school, all of these factors will have been considered.  We are aware of the difficulty this can create for parents of younger children who may need to miss work themselves.

If at all possible we will give the earliest indication as to whether we will close or if possible open later to facilitate travel.  Please look out for messages on the school website, on twitter, the South Gloucestershire school status list ( and a text will be sent home.

I sincerely hope this will be our only period of difficult conditions this year


On Thursday 11th January, we are holding a subject evening between 4.30-7.00pm.  The aim for this evening is for students along with parents/carers to have an opportunity to meet with subject teachers to discuss specific questions around students’ progress and to seek advice on how to improve. The evening has been arranged in response to parental feedback and is an additional event to the Parental Consultation days which are scheduled for Tuesday 6th March and Wednesday, 11th July.

This evening will take place in the Drama Hall and students can make appointments directly with their teachers. The evening will in particular be a great opportunity for students in Years 11 to 9 to discuss the first round of pre-public examinations that took place during Term 2.

We look forward to seeing you on the 11th and trust that this evening will prove valuable in ensuring your son’s/daughter’s continuing progress.
Happy New Year

Welcome back to Term 3 and for our students.  Staff enjoyed a positive training day yesterday. 

We hope that you have all had a restful Christmas and a Happy New Year.