BEACONS 24/03/17-26/03/17
weekend, the Peru team visited the Brecon Beacons for a training weekend in
preparation for their overseas expedition in the summer.
arriving at Newcourt Farm campsite, they began learning the many skills
involved which including putting up tents and planning the routes for the next
day. Saturday included a 25km trek around the peaks and countryside of Wales
whilst practicing navigating, carrying heavy loads and working together as a
team to achieve our goals.
they trekked only a couple of hours carrying our bigger rucksacks up some steep
gradients whilst finishing in the beautiful sunny weather of Brecon.
During the
treks they got the chance to practice walking over a variety of terrains
including rivers, boggy mud, forests, fields and mountains.
reflection, the group felt that they all worked well as a team sharing out jobs
evenly which included cooking, washing up and dealing with tents. Furthermore,
they encouraged team members with group positivity and overcame all our
obstacles whilst always keeping up morale.
Well done to
all involved