This year
Post 16 students have organised the carol services for the school. They have arranged for the school to go ‘out
on the road’ to play to audiences in our local community.These ambitious events have involved 70 performers from Music, Drama and Dance from all years, the whole of Year 7, local partner primaries and parents and friends of the school. On Tuesday they visited Olveston Parish Church. The event was superbly managed by Post 16 leaders, and we are incredibly proud of everyone involved. Year 7 sang together really well - something they have been working very hard on in PEPA lessons and they understood what it was to behave appropriately and represent the school.
One parent has written in saying “I very much enjoyed the Marlwood Community
Carol Service at St Mary's Church Olveston this afternoon. The children sang
beautifully (the soloists were brilliant) and both the band and the orchestra
were very impressive indeed. Great entertainment all round. I was impressed by the senior students who
'ran the show' and all the children seemed to be really enjoying themselves. What a brilliant way to kick-start the Christmas
We have still have 2 more Community Carol Concerts next week:
Monday December 12th: St. Helens Church, AlvestonTuesday December 13th: St. Mary's Church, Almondsbury