We are raising awareness of how parents/carers of children can help to keep children safe, happy and well if they are ‘privately fostered’.

It is the public’s shared duty to help their local council identify children and young people who are living away from home.

Parents, carers and professionals should inform South Gloucestershire Council if:
·         They know of a child who is living with someone other than a parent of close relative
·         They are looking after someone else’s child.
If this arrangement involves a child under the age of 16 (18 if disabled) and lasts for 28 days or more, it is a known private fostering.  Close relatives are defined at step-parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, uncles or aunts.  For example this could be:
·         A child living with family friends because parents have separated or are unwell
·         A teenager living with the family of a boy/girlfriend
·         A child from overseas, in this country for education or healthcare reasons

It is a priority of South Gloucestershire’s Safeguarding Board to work with these children and their carers to make sure they don’t miss out on the support available to them, including essential welfare checks.