We have just completed a very successful two weeks of Open Mornings.  Up to twelve families a day have visited the school and we have been delighted with the feedback we have received.  One constant positive feature of the feedback has been our student guides, many from Year 7, who spoke eloquently and answered questions fully; we are very proud of them.
Here is a feature about Year 7 in this week's Thornbury Gazette.
We are arranging extra visits for parents including those who want to return for another visit; please contact the school if you want to be involved.


Our Open Evening kicked off to a fabulous start with presentations from David Chattaway (Year 8), Larragh Nunn (Year 7), Ella Cottle (House Captain) and Thom Harris-Lee (House Captain). The school buzzed with questions and answers as our student tour guides took groups of parents around the school, introducing them to Faculty staff and our House Progress Leaders. We welcomed many from the community and from further afield and look forward to seeing  those Year 6s next year when they join us at Marlwood.


Following the very successful Open Evening last night, the school still has appointments available for any parents wishing to look round the school in ‘real’ time for the week commencing 5th October. The tours start at 9.30am daily and appointments can be made through contacting the school by email, phone or through the web site.


These are now a weekly event at Marlwood. The first competition took place last Friday and was hosted by the IBAC Faculty (International Business and Computing) see below.  This Friday sees the Inter-House Tightrope Challenge and we are expecting some interesting entries. All the competitions gain points for the Houses, which students can further support through acquiring Praise points for good attitudes to learning and progress in their learning. In those famous words ‘Points Mean Prizes!’

Last week’s Euro 2015 quiz for European Languages day was a great hit! It was a celebration of the diversity, not only in our school, but in our wider European community. It was great to see members of staff and students challenged and working together and support from the crowd was fantastic!

Congratulations to Holt on their victory. Second place went to Witton, followed by Kingsley with Berkeley in fourth place. Special mentions go to the Kingsley team for winning the physical round with Mr Mathers playing guitar and Mrs Cox leading the pupils in a perfect Flamenco routine!


This is well under way for this term with our students taking part in a variety of leadership opportunities. Ten of our new Year 7s accompanied me back to their primary schools to give an assembly on their first experiences of Marlwood School and secondary education. We were very proud of them in their new school uniforms as they confidently took questions from their younger contemporaries.  Our Sixth Form and Year 11 students continue to mentor and support the young students in their Tutor Groups; all of which builds interest and achievement into their CVs.